Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bing bang theory


    Hello sciencecat here and on this blog we are going to talk about the big bang theory. Well it all started as dense singularity then all of a sudden there was big bang boooom! Now you may not believe this but in that singularity all the matter of the universe was in there! Now when it exploded all of space and time went out in all directions it must have been very loud! That big explosion is called the Big Bang Theory. After the explosion it was soooo hot about 10,000 million million million degrees I don't really know if thats even a number.
After it cooled down a bit the first stars and galaxy's began to form. Its cool to know how this all started isn't it. The universe was expanding then and is still expanding today! That is a really long time! In science theorys are based on hard evidence. The big bang theory was proposed by a Belgian priest and astromener named George Lametir he proposed that the universe started in a big explosion!

There has also been another theory called the steady state model it said that the universe just apperared.

Now we are going to talk about a famus astromoner Edwin Hubble he discovered major evidence to the big bang theory. He said that the universe was expanding then and still is now.  

In the 1960's and in the 1990's several radio telescopes were made.One went so far that it discovered left over radiation from the big bang!


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And that's my blog      Byyyyyyy!