Friday, August 23, 2013

                                                     The scientific method

Hello everyone this is my first blog so it might not be very good so don't judge me.

So on this blog we are going to talk about the scientific method . I think the scientifc method is awsome but that is just my opinion.

1) The first step is Ask a question that means you ask yourself what do you want to know or be explained.

2) Make a Hypothisis  write down what you think will happen.      

3)Conduct a experiment  Develop a way for a reliable experiment.

4) Preform your experiment  Follow your procedure to preform your experiment.

5) Anlyze data  Is the data correct does your dats relate to your hypothisis?

6) Modify Experiment Rewrie your experiment to find flaws that you might have made.

7)Comunnicate the results write a conclusion that sort of wraps up your experiment.                          
I love the scientific method it's awsome!   You should love the method too it can help you alot with your experiment.

Now here is a question is there only one scientific method true or false? 


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