Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hi guys are you ready  to read my next blog! You better be because it's going to be awsome! It is about a star's lifecycle! That means you Sachin. Ok now to the important stuff.
                                                                        As you know stars are a giant balls of gas held to gether by gravity.There are many steps to a stars lifecycle so pay close attention. That means you to sachin. Stars are formed in a large cloud of dust called a Nebulae. Yes sachin stars are formed in nebulae.

A stellar nursery are clouds of dust and gas that come  together to form stars. Sachin are you listening? Whenv tempatures reach 10 million degrees celcious a chemical change called nuclear fusion accurs. During this change two hydrogen atoms combine to make a helium atom.This chemical change gives off a large amount of energy and alot of heat. This process is the oppisite of a atomic bomb. The result is a new star.
The star expands and burns for a few billion years.The heat and light are released by atoms that are collideing. This part of a stars life is called the main sequence. The main sequence is the longest part of a stars life.
After the main sequence the star becomes a red giant. A red giant gives off light but not alot of energy. A red giant is a star that has expanded. Smaller stars when they get older they become white dwarfs. Large stars when they get really old they explode Booooooooom! Did I scare you Sachin?
When large stars explode they become supernovas. If the helium core survives the explosion it will become a black hole Daaaaaa Daaa Daaaaa! Don't I sound scary sachin.
Our sun is about 4.6 Billion years old. It is a middle aged star.It is about half way through its lifecycle. When our sun becomes a red giant it will burn uo the earth AAAAAAAAHH!!Now are you scared sachin?.
Well thank you random people for reading my blog. This is science cat saying meow! and keep loving science!


  1. hey yo peep this is awesome and you said sachin to much! i give you a A

  2. Hi Molly. You didn't sound like a textbook. What is with the SACHIN MAN?!?!?!? Stop hating on him! My gosh! Also there was some spelling and grammar. B- sorry. :P

  3. you said my name to much but you had good pics

  4. I like the way how you used sachin in it and you have grammar mistakes.

  5. great job. love the pics and the info. i would rate u a 8 out of 10 because i found some errors. :D

  6. good picture and info, but u should use hyperlinks. overall great.
