Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hello everyone science cat again and this blog is going to be cool! Its about the milky way galaxy.

In the Milky Way Galaxy there are about 200 billion and 400 billion stars in there! That is alot I'm gonna coun't 1,2,3 oh,never mind.

     The Milky Way Galaxy is filled with planets , stars, and dark matter.From Earth the galaxy looks hazey white thats why they call it the Milky Way.


If we could step could  outside our galaxy and look in(which we can't) the Milky way would look like a spiral with a band across the middle. That why they called it a barred spiral.

In the Milky Way's center there a bulge of stars I'm not going to go there one: I Can't two: Its to bright! There are four arms in the milky way and our solar system is in the Orion arm.


  Some astromeners think in the center of the Milky Way there is black hole!Da Da Daaaaaaaa! scary huh. A black hole is the result of a collasped star or a group of stars.A black hole is so strong that not even light can escape. Hopefully no one will get stuck in one!

Our solar system orbits around the galactic center once every 225-250 million years that period of time. That period of time is called a galactic year.

Now some people think that our galaxy is the only one but its not there are tons of galaxys. Probaly billions!

Thanks for reading my blog byyyyyyye!




  1. hi molloos u r awesome i luv ur blogging tecnique.

  2. love the cat back round and your virtual cat

    this is science fairy saying keep loving cats!

  3. I liked the pictures. and you gave alot of information.
