Friday, September 19, 2014

Hey guys its Science Cat here again! Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I was really busy during the summer......but here I am back with another blog! As you can see its going to be about school. I know not many people like to talk about school,  but I'm not going to just talk about school I'm gonna talk about myyyyyy school.......(awkward silence). It's called Mcginnis Woods Country Day School. It is a private school and doesn't have many middle school kids.
My Home Room
Since there are not many students 7th and 8th grade are combined in the same home room. SIGH*. I'm in seventh grade with FIVE other people that's a really small class. In fact that's the whole grade there are six people in seventh grade! There are five people in eighth grade and THEY ARE ALL BOYS! Alex: EEEWWWW! I know Alex.....I know...Its ok...(cough no it's not). You see...the boys are...lets just say different. THE BOYS ARE SO CRAZY!!!!!and annoying and weird and obsessed with turtles and yeah stuff.
So yeah that's my school life and don't forget to check out my friends' blogs. This is science cat saying see you later!

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