Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hi guys are you ready  to read my next blog! You better be because it's going to be awsome! It is about a star's lifecycle! That means you Sachin. Ok now to the important stuff.
                                                                        As you know stars are a giant balls of gas held to gether by gravity.There are many steps to a stars lifecycle so pay close attention. That means you to sachin. Stars are formed in a large cloud of dust called a Nebulae. Yes sachin stars are formed in nebulae.

A stellar nursery are clouds of dust and gas that come  together to form stars. Sachin are you listening? Whenv tempatures reach 10 million degrees celcious a chemical change called nuclear fusion accurs. During this change two hydrogen atoms combine to make a helium atom.This chemical change gives off a large amount of energy and alot of heat. This process is the oppisite of a atomic bomb. The result is a new star.
The star expands and burns for a few billion years.The heat and light are released by atoms that are collideing. This part of a stars life is called the main sequence. The main sequence is the longest part of a stars life.
After the main sequence the star becomes a red giant. A red giant gives off light but not alot of energy. A red giant is a star that has expanded. Smaller stars when they get older they become white dwarfs. Large stars when they get really old they explode Booooooooom! Did I scare you Sachin?
When large stars explode they become supernovas. If the helium core survives the explosion it will become a black hole Daaaaaa Daaa Daaaaa! Don't I sound scary sachin.
Our sun is about 4.6 Billion years old. It is a middle aged star.It is about half way through its lifecycle. When our sun becomes a red giant it will burn uo the earth AAAAAAAAHH!!Now are you scared sachin?.
Well thank you random people for reading my blog. This is science cat saying meow! and keep loving science!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hello science cat here and on this blog we are going to talk about black holes Daaa Daaa Daaaaa!!!
Now on to the important stuff. A black hole is a part of the universe that is so dense it traps stuff into it foreveeeeeeeerrr!
     There are at least two ways a black hole can form one of them is: A death of a large enough star that force of the gravity makes the star implode! It collapses in on itself and creates a incredible dense region called a black hole! Daaaa Daaa Daaaaa! I really have to stop singing that.
Some astromeners think that there are millions of black holes in our galaxy. The other way a black hole can form is the collection of matter in the center of a galaxy it is when billions of dust and matter collect together in the center of a galaxy, it can collapse in on itself to make a enormous black hole I am sorry but i have to do this Daaa Daaaa Daaaaaa! Some scientist think there might even be one in the center of our galaxy!
You can't really see a black hole one of the cray things is that nothing can escape or survive a black hole if they get sucked into one. I think that is really scary! The gravitational pull of a black hole is so strong that not even light can escape, now that is creepy. Black holes do have an edge though its called the event  horizon.
The universe is measured by something called space time.In the every day world matter takes up three demensions: length, height, and width. Time is another demension that is with the other three.Its how we can see and know whats happening.If you take time and add it together with the other space demensions you get space time.
 Scientist  often say that space time is like the never ending fabrics in our universe. In Albert Einstien's theory of relativity the fabric isn't just flat it bends around objects. This bending represents the force of gravity. The more massive the object the stronger force of gravity there is.  A Black hole though is much more massive and it has a stronger force of gravity.A black hole is so deeep it acually makes a hole in space time .
Did You Know?
         Black holes are some of the most strangest and misterious things in our universe in my opinion. They have extreme density with a very strong gravitational pull. If a star bigger than our sun collapses in onitself it becomes a stellar black hole.
Small black holes poulate the universe but there cousins super massive black holes dominate. Supermassive black holes are millions or even billions times the size of our sun. Such black holes are thought to lie at the centers of galaxys like the one in the center of our milky way.
 Thank you for reading my blog!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hello everyone science cat again and this blog is going to be cool! Its about the milky way galaxy.

In the Milky Way Galaxy there are about 200 billion and 400 billion stars in there! That is alot I'm gonna coun't 1,2,3 oh,never mind.

     The Milky Way Galaxy is filled with planets , stars, and dark matter.From Earth the galaxy looks hazey white thats why they call it the Milky Way.


If we could step could  outside our galaxy and look in(which we can't) the Milky way would look like a spiral with a band across the middle. That why they called it a barred spiral.

In the Milky Way's center there a bulge of stars I'm not going to go there one: I Can't two: Its to bright! There are four arms in the milky way and our solar system is in the Orion arm.


  Some astromeners think in the center of the Milky Way there is black hole!Da Da Daaaaaaaa! scary huh. A black hole is the result of a collasped star or a group of stars.A black hole is so strong that not even light can escape. Hopefully no one will get stuck in one!

Our solar system orbits around the galactic center once every 225-250 million years that period of time. That period of time is called a galactic year.

Now some people think that our galaxy is the only one but its not there are tons of galaxys. Probaly billions!

Thanks for reading my blog byyyyyyye!



Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bing bang theory


    Hello sciencecat here and on this blog we are going to talk about the big bang theory. Well it all started as dense singularity then all of a sudden there was big bang boooom! Now you may not believe this but in that singularity all the matter of the universe was in there! Now when it exploded all of space and time went out in all directions it must have been very loud! That big explosion is called the Big Bang Theory. After the explosion it was soooo hot about 10,000 million million million degrees I don't really know if thats even a number.
After it cooled down a bit the first stars and galaxy's began to form. Its cool to know how this all started isn't it. The universe was expanding then and is still expanding today! That is a really long time! In science theorys are based on hard evidence. The big bang theory was proposed by a Belgian priest and astromener named George Lametir he proposed that the universe started in a big explosion!

There has also been another theory called the steady state model it said that the universe just apperared.

Now we are going to talk about a famus astromoner Edwin Hubble he discovered major evidence to the big bang theory. He said that the universe was expanding then and still is now.  

In the 1960's and in the 1990's several radio telescopes were made.One went so far that it discovered left over radiation from the big bang!


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And that's my blog      Byyyyyyy!