Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hello everyone sorry that there hasn't been a blog in a while, but today we are going to learn about to planets Mercury and Venus. Venus the Greek god mean love and beauty but the planet Venus is awful so they shouldn't have named it that.

Mercury is an awesome planet. It is also one of the hottest. Also the planet mercury is one of the coldest. Mercury is really hard to research on because of its location so close to the sun, so we haven't been able to see it in any detail. At least not until 1974 and 1975, the Mariner 10 flew by Mercury three times and sent back about 12,000 images.
A very famous crater on mercury is called Caloris Basin it was formed by a meteorite crash long ago. The size of Caloris Basin is about 1350 kilometers in diameter, which suggest that it was the biggest collision ever! Some scientist think since the crash was intense that it sent shock waves through Mercury's center! That must have been loud.
Here is a strange thing if you could stand on mercury would have a amazing view of the sun. First the sun might start to rise, then it would start to speed up, then it would stop reverse its direction, stop again , and continue on its way!
In 2011 the Messenger will map the rest of the planet and will study what it is really made of. Also it will take measurments of its magnetic feild and look for clues about the planet's center.
Well that's it for mercury stay tuned to learn about venus!
Venus is a wierd planet to me. Well, any way here are some facts about venus.
Venus is the sixth largest planet in our solar system. It is the second planet from the sun. It has phases like the moon.Sadly venus has no moons.They call venus Earth's sister planet.On Venus you would weigh 10% less than you do now.One day on Venus is 243 earth days.

Life would be impossible on Venus because of what goes on that planet. It is really hot almost 900 degrees celcius. Also the atmoshpere is made up of carbon dioxide. It also has no water on it and it has lightening storms almost all day long. Do Not Move There!!
                                  Compare and Contrast
                   1) Mercury can get up to 430 degrees celcius and Venus can get up 900 degrees celcius.
2) Mercury's day is 53 Earth days and Venus's day 243 Earth days.
 3) Mercury is closer to the sun than Venus.
4) Venus is called Earth's sister planet and I know this is kind of obvious but mercury is not.
Thank you for watching! This is Science Cat saying keep learning about planets!


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