Friday, November 22, 2013

Hello welcome to another episode of M news we have breaking news story!!! There were 55 confirmed tornados in six different states! AAAAH!!
As of late Tuesday afternoon the weather chanel's analysis cinfirmed that were 55 confirmed tornados in six different states. Some damage surveys confirm that this could will likely be one the top five tornado out reaks in the U.S.              

                 This picture is totally not scary.

There was also an out break on Sunday too. More tornados from this storm oh my gosh! It was also one of the biggest out breaks in U.S. history acording to severe waether expert Dr.Gregg Forbes. On tornado in Michigan was a Efo tornado wasin the city Otsego michigan was the farthest north Michigan tornado in the year period of moderm tornados (1950) according to Nick Wiltgen a meteorologist for the weather channel.
Tornados were also confirmed on that  day as far as Tennesee woth EF0 torados near Howell and Portland. There was also a tornado near Orlinda. I am so scared of tornados right now.
Geese more tornados!!
This story is important because a lot of people went throtgh this storm and it must have been scary for them because tornados are no laughing matter. I chose this story because weather intrest me and to me tornados are intrestng.
As this story develops I think what people are going to is start cleaning up the rubble and trash and find some of there belongings that the tornados left behind.
Here a question for you guys: how should you react if a tornado is heading your way do you panic or panic while going to saftey or be strong get to the right place.
  Answer : Be strong and get to the right place because you will be safer if you get saftey faster.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! It is going to be about MARS!!!

Let's start off with the name. Mars got its name from the Roman God Mars. The Roman god Mars is the god of war. The romans named the planet Mars because of its reddish glow in the sky. I guess they thought then that Mars was the perfect name.

Mars is called the red planet because of it reddish color and glow and because of the wide spread of iron oxide which is rust color. It makes it have reddish glow when it is dark.

Now we are going to talk about Mar's moons Phobos and Deimos.
Phobos is a small irregularly shaped object. Also it orbits about 9,400 Km from Mar's center, or about 6,000 Km from the Martian surface. It is one of the least reflective bodies in our solar system. Phobos also has a large impact crater called Stickney. Phobos orbits so close to Mars that it moves around Mars faster than Mars rotates.

Deimos is 4.5 billion years old. Deimos is smaller then Phobos being only 5 by 12 by 11 Km in size. Deimos orbits around Mars about every 30 hours. Its craters are only 2.5 Km in diameter. From the center of Mars Deimos orbits 23,460 Km from Mars. It takes about 30.3 hours to orbit Mars.


Mars has a lot of impact craters and the land is dust. It has tall volcanoes the ground is sort of reddish color because of all the iron in the ground. It also has valleys, desserts, and  icecaps.  Mars also has large canyons. Borealis Basin covers 40% of the planet and may be a giant impact feature.


Some evidence that mars has or had water is because of the dry ocean/lake beds. Some canals in the land that look liked they once had water flowing through it.    

Mars is similar to earth because it's day is 24 hours and 30 minutes and that is close to earth's day. also there axis tilts are similar too Mar's is 25.19 and earth's is 23.5. Since the axis tilts are not that different mars has some of the same seasons like we have except they would be longer.

My 5 Facts 
1) Mars is 53% smaller than earth.
2) Spirit was one of the rovers that was sent to Mars.
3) Mars has an liquid iron core.
4) It is the fourth planet in our solar system.
5)  It would take us about 150 days to get to mars.
Curiosity is a rover that was sent to mars and is finding information about the red planet. it confirmed that some of the meteorites on earth actually came from mars. The new measurement of this precision of two forms of argon - argon 36 and argon 38. These lighter and heavier forms of or isotopes argon exist through out the solar system.
Thank's for watching!!!!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hello everyone sorry that there hasn't been a blog in a while, but today we are going to learn about to planets Mercury and Venus. Venus the Greek god mean love and beauty but the planet Venus is awful so they shouldn't have named it that.

Mercury is an awesome planet. It is also one of the hottest. Also the planet mercury is one of the coldest. Mercury is really hard to research on because of its location so close to the sun, so we haven't been able to see it in any detail. At least not until 1974 and 1975, the Mariner 10 flew by Mercury three times and sent back about 12,000 images.
A very famous crater on mercury is called Caloris Basin it was formed by a meteorite crash long ago. The size of Caloris Basin is about 1350 kilometers in diameter, which suggest that it was the biggest collision ever! Some scientist think since the crash was intense that it sent shock waves through Mercury's center! That must have been loud.
Here is a strange thing if you could stand on mercury would have a amazing view of the sun. First the sun might start to rise, then it would start to speed up, then it would stop reverse its direction, stop again , and continue on its way!
In 2011 the Messenger will map the rest of the planet and will study what it is really made of. Also it will take measurments of its magnetic feild and look for clues about the planet's center.
Well that's it for mercury stay tuned to learn about venus!
Venus is a wierd planet to me. Well, any way here are some facts about venus.
Venus is the sixth largest planet in our solar system. It is the second planet from the sun. It has phases like the moon.Sadly venus has no moons.They call venus Earth's sister planet.On Venus you would weigh 10% less than you do now.One day on Venus is 243 earth days.

Life would be impossible on Venus because of what goes on that planet. It is really hot almost 900 degrees celcius. Also the atmoshpere is made up of carbon dioxide. It also has no water on it and it has lightening storms almost all day long. Do Not Move There!!
                                  Compare and Contrast
                   1) Mercury can get up to 430 degrees celcius and Venus can get up 900 degrees celcius.
2) Mercury's day is 53 Earth days and Venus's day 243 Earth days.
 3) Mercury is closer to the sun than Venus.
4) Venus is called Earth's sister planet and I know this is kind of obvious but mercury is not.
Thank you for watching! This is Science Cat saying keep learning about planets!