Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to  M NEWS and this is Science cat here my assistant Scientific Meap(cough Amisha)Scientific Meap: UUUUGGGG why did you make come here it took so much effort and oooowww now my mouth hurts from talking. Too bad! GET OVER IT! Now here is the news story for today. Cold climate is ..... Scientific Meap: CAN I GO HOME NOW! No now shush. As i was saying cold climate is is killing penguin chicks in Argentina.
Penguin chick survivor 
From 1983 to 2003 researchers based at the university of Washington in Seattle monitored a colony of 400,000 Magellanic penguins living halfway up the coast of Argentina on a peninsula  called Punta Tombo. Each year the researchers  visited penguin nests once or twice a day  from mid September to late February to asses the overall status of the colony and the health of the chicks once they hatched in late November or early December.

The resulting data set provides one of the largest ever records of a signal penguin colony. It revealed that starvation and predication were the most common and constant chick killers over the years, but hypothermia was the leading cause of death during years with many rainstorms, which became more prevalent through the study period .
Young chicks about 9-23 days old were particularly vulnerable to hypothermia as they were to young to have fully grown their waterproof plumage but already to big to seek shelter under their parents bodies the team reported on weds. Jan. 29th . They have to have water proof feather to survive, if they don't they  will die as soon as they hit the water.
Well I know it wasn't the best ending but thanks for listening to M News this Science cat saying keep loving penguins.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hi everyone! Today on my blog we are going to talk about a very awesome planet with many rings and moons. Today we are going to talk about Saturn! (Cough Cough this planet is my favorite)

Saturn is named after a character in Roman mythology. Saturn is named after the god Saturnus. Saturnus is the god of agriculture.
Saturn differs from the other planets because Saturn is bigger than all the other planets except for Jupiter. In fact the diameter of Saturn is 120,536 km in diameter not counting the rings. Also Saturn differs from he other planets because of how many moons orbit Saturn. Here is example Saturn has 60 moons orbiting it while Jupiter has 67 moons orbiting it. So basically it is very different form all the other planets.
Saturn is the planet with the lowest density. That means Saturn is lighter than water so if a pond or body of water big enough and Saturn went for a swim Saturn would float.
Now we are going to talk about my favorite part of Saturn it's rings! The rings are made up of small particles and can range in size from micrometers to meters that orbit around Saturn. The particles are made up of mostly water ice with a race component of a rocky material. Now we are going to talk about Saturn's atmosphere. The planet has a yellow haze due to ammonia crystals in it's upper atmosphere. Electrical current that is within it's metallic hydrogen layer is thought to give rise to Saturn's planetary magnetic field.
Titan is interesting to scientist because Titan is the only other celestial body to have stable pools of a liquid element on it's surface. Titan has atmosphereic cycle of methane.
Now guess what time it is! Fun fact time here are some fcts about Saturn!
1) Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun.
2) Saturn's largest moon Titan is bigger than Mercury.
3) The first ring discovered on Saturn was ring a because they named them in alphabetical order.
4) Saturn might have a solid core.
Well thanks for reading my blog!