Thursday, October 17, 2013

Hello everyone this is Molly here and welcome to M News At 4:00 and I have a very important news story to tell. 2,000 bees were removed from a elderly woman's home! Aah!

On a Saturday in Cocoa Beach,Florida 2,000 bees had to be removed from a 98 year old woman's home. Here name is Sevia Moore and she said the buzz from those bees could make someone run away in fear. I believe her too because bees scare the heck out of me. According to her, the 2,000 bees made a hive in her attic. She said they didn't bother her. Well, at least when she was outside.

Moore's granddaughter Laura Blevins said when she showed Ms.Moore the hive in her attic she was stunned she had no idea that she was going to see that. Thank you for watching M News at 4:00. There will be more of this story M News at 5:00(Which there won't really be). Have a good evening everyone!
I thought the news story where i got this from was very good because 2,000 bees removed from a home! Now that's a news story in my opinion.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Hello people! Well, any way on this blog it's going to be about galaxies! Ok now lets get to the information.So what is a galaxy you ask well lets find out...

A galaxy is a group of dust, stars, and gas held together by gravity. Guess what,there are over 100 billion galaxies in our universe! A Supercluster is a large group of galaxies.


In our galaxy the milky way there are about 200-400 billion stars !That is alot. Now, there are 4 types of galaxies: Spiral, barred spiral,elliptical,and irregular. A spiral galaxy has a small bright center , or a nucleus. It sourt of looks like a pinwheel.

The next type of galaxy is a  barred spiral. Like our milky way a barred spiral has arms that extend sideways in a short straight line before spiraling outward. Our milky way is barred spiral and it has two mane arms. Like I said before it has 200-400 billion stars in our galaxy.
Another type of galaxy is a Elliptical galaxy. A Elliptical galaxy does not have a real arrangement of stars.They sourt of look like a flattened sphere. They are made up of older stars and and little gas.            

The last type of galaxy is a Irregular galaxy. A Irregular galaxy are usually small and do not have a sperical shape. They do not look like other galaxies, they don't even look like eachother!
Now in most galaxies in there center is super massive black hole in the center of the galaxy. The black hole in our galaxy is waaaaaaaay bigger than our sun. A black hole spins and sucks everything into it when something gets in its way.
Remember from a few blogs ago about the big bang theory. Well, the big bang explosion was so powerful the galaxies in space are still moving away from each other. The explosion must have been really powerful!            
Doppler shift is light from moving objects have different wavelengths. Redshift is that a object's light has a longer wavelength while blueshift  is when a closer object's light has a shorter wacelength. 
Well I guess that's it for this blog thank you for reading my blog! Peace out!